Thursday, January 16, 2014


Unmanned part 1
Unmanned part 2

The Tower near the closest alarm bell has two gunners patrolling it. Use the vegetation to avoid combat and get in close to the first tower and then fire a Sleep Dart at both gunners. IF the coast is clear climb up the tower and kill both gunners before they wake up! There are several Brutes (the big guys with the large axes) that roam the fields so stay in cover and then fire a Berserk Dart at one of them and watch one try to kill the others. Once you disable three alarm bells move up towards the mansion gates to trigger a cutscene with Mary (James Kidd). There are several guards and a Brute that patrol the front of the mansion so fire a Berserk Dart at the Brute and he will eliminate most of the guards at the entrance for you. Eliminate the rest of the guard and then climb to the rooftop of the mansion and Synchronize the area. Prins is located at the back of the mansion. He will be roaming under a wooden veranda near the alarm bell. Be sure to eliminate the gunners on the rooftop and then use an Leap of Faith to the courtyard below. Get in close to the veranda and use Eagle vision to ID Prins. From there aim the Pistol at Prins and fire to kill him. After the cutscene fight your way out of the mansion and out of the plantation. Fight off who you can and then toss a Smoke Bomb to run away Run out of the area and then meet with Mary to complete the mission

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