The Treasure Fleet Part 1
The Treasure Fleet part 2
When the mission begins follow the onscreen instructions to free yourself from the shackles. From there take cover at the nearest corner for your first objective reaching your gear. for the first optional objective walk up to the first corner and get the attention of the guard by whistling and assassinate him for your first corner kill When you finish with the first guard walk up to the second corner in the next cabin and get the attention of the guard by whistling and assassinate him for your second corner kill. Enter the last room and STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE. The guard will get suspicious of the dead bodies and when he is near your corner kill him for you third and last corner kills. With the cabins cleared of enemies approach the back cabin and get your gear after you get everything exit the cabin using the nearby ladder to the deck above Now even though the mission only requires 18 pirates rescued if you get all 23 you will get 100% sync if you get all 23. There are NINE pirates on the first ship i recommend you clear the enemies off the ship then get the pirates. After the first ship is cleared go to the ship on the left side Swim towards the ship and board the ship Clear the enemies on that ship and free the next THREE pirates and then move on to the ship up in front. Board the ship from the back of the ship and kill the enemies on the ship from there free the TWO pirates and then move on the ship on the right side. Swim towards the last Man O' War on the right and climb abroad The pirates are not on the deck but clear out the deck anyway. When you finish with the top deck approach the hatch door in the center of the ship and enter the cabins below. Eliminate the guards in the cabins and then approach the remaining nine pirates and free them. With all the prates freed climb back outside Take the nearby rope and swing towards the brig in the middle of the water Kill off the captain and eliminate the rest of the crew to overtake the ship. Now that we have a ship it is time to sail outta there as fast as your can. Go Full sail and steer out of the way of the others. The other boats will fire but hold your fire and keep moving forward as you sail futher out a rouge wave crash in and climinate the gunboats for you be sure to sail the rogue waves head on to avoid damage! when the enemies are gone sail towards the waypoint on the map Steer clear of the hurricanes looking spouts and keep steering towards the waypoint to complete the mission
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