Monday, January 20, 2014

The Fireship

The Fireship
When the mission begins the first set of ships you will encounter are THREE gunships and a docked brig. Target are fire Mortors at all three of the gunships to destroy them Avoid using Fire Barrels on the gunships because they move too fast and you may not target them.  Destroy the gunships and keep following the Fireship while fending off more of the gunboats that arrive in.  Once the fireship makes its destination DO NOT ESCAPE JUST YET! A blockade of FOUR frigates will sail in to fight you off so remain in the area and destroy them all. Yes you will want to  incapacitate each ship but not board them  so that you can use Fire Barrels on them. Use the Mortars and Heavy Rounds to incapacitate them Once all four frigates are Incapacitated it's time to use a Fire Barrel on them! Sail in close to any of the frigates and then rotate the camera behind the Jackdaw and then toss a Fire Barrel. If done correctly the barrel will explode the frigate upon impact and completing the objective From there sail towards the waypoint to complete the mission

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