Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Edward is not doing OK. After having waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much rum you start seeing things. Once you wake up on a bench crawl forward. Keep crawling until you find yourself underwater. Now swim up to the surface. Keep swimming past the sharks until you find yourself in a building. It looks like Roberts is ahead of you so go assassinate him. Oh that wasn't him Let's to off to the right now. There he is kill him! Dang again not him. Let's go back to the left now. This HAS to be him! Tricked again... Now you are on a boat Keep sailing forward now until you crash and wake up for real this time on a beach. When that was a trip!

To Suffer Without Dying

You are now being held in a cage. Keep shaking the cage acting as a distraction for your old assassin buddy to come save the day. Once you are freed sneak up to the fort . There is a jail in the basement so let's go free our friends. If you want to be super stealthy disable the three bell alarms that are in the area. One is directly ahead of where you started; the second is in the middle of the fort on the ground floor and the third is in the town area. Before you get into the prison check the cage just outside and to the right of the fort near the beach Interact with it to visit one of the "old friends" for the optional objective. Once you get into the prison take out the guards in the area and check out the cells. It looks like a few familiar faces are here behind bars. Advance through the prison until you get to Mary. She is in very rough shape. Grab her and head for the exit as fast as you can. It takes a surprisingly long time to get to the door. Once through book it for the beach

Abstergo Interlude 4

You wake up in the room. Once you get Level 3 security head out your door and down the hallway. You need to hack the cameras so go use the console and enter the code 3375. With that done you now need to go hack the cloud servers. Head down the hall to server room. Use the console and put in the code 3777 Now you get to watch some REALLY STRANGE things. When done read back to your room and log back into the Animus

The Observatory

The first part of this mission will be lengthy depending if you are aiming for both optional objectives. First go into the jungle and go in UNARMED. DO NOT EQUIP ANY SHARP OBJECTS FOR THIS ENTIRE MISSION! As soon as you enter the jungle activate Eagle Vision and survey the area below to ID the guardians hiding in the bushes. In order to incapacitate these guys Edward needs to approach them from behind and choke them out with his bare hand  in order for the objective to count. Unfortunately trying to stay out of sight from these guys will be difficult since they can spot you instantly once you are in the open. To incapacitate these guys without incurring their wrath equip the blowdart and use Sleeping Darts on each one. The strategy here is to knock them out and then incapacitate them as soon as they wake up
 The first jungle area has FIVE guardians in hiding. Use a Sleeping Dart on the first guardian on the right side of the jungle while staying in cover. Once he is knocked out quickly move towards his knocked out body and patiently WAIT for him to wake up. After the effect wears off the guardian will stand up so quickly approach and incapacitate him! Choke him out when he stands up (NOT before) or else Edward will knock him out and it won't count towards the objective! Remember Edward must choke them out one by one with his hands! If he kicks them then you did it incorrectly!. There are three more guardians in the bushes so locate them with Eagle Vision and then use the Sleeping Dart strategy on them to incapacitate them. When the area is clear move on to the next jungle area and activate Eagle Vision to find some more guardians hiding in the bushes. Use the Sleeping Dart strategy on one more guardian to fulfill the optional objective. Once five guardians have been incapacitated Edward is free to use any other non-lethal strategy necessary to eliminate the guardians. You can approach the guardians with fist fighting air assassinations (bare hands only) or use more Sleeping Darts and then kick them while they are asleep (but do not kill them) Clear out the remaining areas of the jungle with your bare hands until you reach the Observatory area Eliminate the guardians at the Observatory and Roberts will step in and do the rest. From there pick up his treasure chest and follow him inside. Once you get kicked into the water it is time to climb back out Make your way up to the blocks until you get back to where you just were. Now if you are looking at the astrolabe-looking Observatory go to your right to find a ledge to keep climbing up.This will take you up to an opening in the celling. Once out here you will slide down a long steep path right back down to the beach. Crawl forward until you can not go on. Make your way towards Roberts at the beachside to complete the mission

Murder And Mayhem

When the mission begins sail forward into Restricted territory. The other ships will be on the lookout for you so do not sail too fast! Maneuver around each ship's line of sight while moving forward until you reach the other side where is clear. Use  the spyglass to find the Benjamin and then get ready to blow it up! When the Benjamin is located bust out the mortar fire. The Benjamin is a pretty weak ship so a few mortar shots and some upgrades Heavy shots should take it down easily Once the ship is down Hornigold and his crew will maroon on the nearby island. Exit the ship and make your way towards the beachside to see several soldiers in the area. Luckily there is no need for stealth here so just cause a ruckus with the soldiers and eliminate them all to clear the beachside area. Hornigold is located at the top of the Mayan structure at the back of the island. To get to him aooriach the Mayan structure on the left side of the beach and climb it to the top. Eliminate the snipers and solders here to clear the area. From there take the coconut tree that connects to the main Mayan structure. There are more soldiers nearby so stay out of sight. Quietly make your way to the back of the building and climb it to the top to find Hornigold milling about the structure. Position yourself so that you can target him and then jump in with the air assassination to complete the mission!

Black Bart's Gambit

First sail over to Black Bart. After talking to him sail forward to locate a Portuguese ship. There are a ton not too far from you. Once you get close to one you need to steal it is flag. Hop off your ship and sneak onto the other one. Climb up the robes to get to the masts. Once up there take the flag and jump back into the water. Get on your ship and continue foreward until you get by some land There is a man with a chest on the bench. so that is something you want. Go swim ovet to the land and snake your way forward until you get to the chest. Loot it then get back to your boat. Tail the ship in front of you now making sure to not cause detection from the other ships. Swing wide right in the clearing to avoid the ships and outcroppings. You will come up to another beach here. There are two guard tower however you see fit. Move on to the second tower now The easiest way to take on this other tower is to simply climb up it. Once up here and the guards are taken care of swing on the rope from the tower to the big ship you have been trailing. Try to keep the ships captain with an aerial takedown while swinging across the gap. Once the captain is dead you take control of the ship. Make a run for it while still taking out the enemy ships. This boat is pretty powerful so the enemy ships should go down quickly. Once your path is clear you should be good!

Trust Is Earned

To start the mission sail out towards the southwestern corner of the map to arrive at Principle island. Once you arrive you've got five enemy ships to sink but all of them can be destroyed with some easy Mortar blasts and upgraded Heavy shots. Clear out all the ships and then dock your ship at the bay. Swim towards the first Viewpoint ans Synchronize the area for a few goodies first. Collect the nearby goddies and then make your way into the forest. There are several British guards that patrol the forest. so use the bushes to keep out of sight and then creep up and assassinate them in stealth. There are two brute guards outside of the nearby camp and a barrel of gunpowder next to them. Target the gunpowder from the bushes and shoot the barrel with a shot to wipe them out and clear the area. If you activate Eagle Vision look above the tree branches to spot a few monkeys sleeping. Bust out the blowpipe and put them into deeper sleep and then approach and skin the fallen carcass. Once that is done approach the campsite to encounter Roberts the Sage. After the cutscene you are tasked with entering the camp to assassinate two pirate turncoats, Cockram and Burgess. The two sets of pirates are located in the fort above the island. Fortunately there are lots and lots of shrubs and bushes to hide in so make good use of the environment and eliminate the soldiers one by one. Make use of the blowpipe and use Berserk Darts on brutes and Sleeping Darts on the snipers Clear out the soldiers quietly so that you can approach the pirate captives in silence and use a double assassination on the guards that are guarding them. Do this for both pirate captives in the upper fort to get the objective. Once you've freed both pirate gangs. it is time to locate Burgess and Cockram. The two men are located in the village below the fort. Quietly make your way down the road while eliminating the soldiers in the way B&C are roaming the other side of the island so you still have time to stay hidden and eliminate more soldiers in the way. towards the tree branches. Stay atop the high branches and activate Eagle Vision and wait for B&C to show up. When B&C are located stay on the tree branch and wait until they walk underneath. The two men won't see you from high above so wait until they walk underneath and then assassinate them from above for the double kill to complete the job. Once both are dead the game cuts to Roberts giving a speech to his new men on the bench.. Listin in one the speech and watch the cutscene to complete the mission and Sequence 9

Imagine My Surprise

Fast travel to Kingston. Once there find the Royal African Company representative. After talking to him find out that other people are looking for the Princess as well. Get up to the plantation and find the two men you are looking for. While sneaking around try to kill 4 brutes and disable the two alarm bells. Once you find the two men follow them until they reach a compound down by the beach. Once there you need to start eavesdropping on what they are saying. Follow them around from the rooftops to get a good listen while hiding from the guards. Once they reach the ocean they notice your ship and call you out. Now it is time to simply run away


When the mission begins take the time to explore the beachside. Since the area was not on the map previously there will be lots of stuff to find! Synchronize the viewpoints and loot the treasure chests for plunder (don't forget about the Treasure chest on the beach). After that is done enter the jungle and chase after Vane. There are several black jaguars in the jungle that you can dodge and kill (there are some Crocs here but you need Sleep Darts to kill them) Use Eagle Vision to spot the felines and then get in close for the the kill. If the jaguars pounce on you fight them off and then chase and kill them. Re-visit the same area and the black jaguar should respawn if you need more kills. The first area with Vane has him standing atop of the Mayan structure right by a Viewpoint. Make your way up to the Viewpoint and Synchronize the area. From there use an Eagle Dive to the water below and continue following after Vane to the next area. The Second area has Vane standing above a large tree branch and shooting at you while tossing bombs. Mov form cover to cover then get on the left side. Avoid Vane's gunshots because they cause a huge amount of damage! Climb up and notice how the bridge you are on is about to explode! Keep chasing after him to the last area. Move from wall to wall and make your way to the back of the temple on the right side. Climb the wall from the back of the top (where the third Viewpoint is located). When you reach the top of the temple synchronize the Viewpoint and then go for the Air Assassination to complete the mission.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Vainglorious Bastards

It is Recommended that you conquer the Cabo De Cruz Fort before approaching this mission. And if you haven't done so yet upgrade the Jackdaw's battering ram level 2 or higher. It will help in aiding for the optional objectives of this mission. The Royal African Ship is located in the southeastern section of the green circle of the map. Sail toward the waypoint and then open up the map and place the marker on the ship on the southeastern section. Sail towards the ship and then use the Spyglass to ID it. With a level 2 battering ram sail towards the frigate and ram it directly to complete the objective (you only need to hit it once) From there two more brigs will sail in to join the fun. Now that you have 3 ships fighting against you. you will need to lead all 3 of them towards the nearby Cabo De Cruz Fort. Open up the map and mark the Cabo De Cruz Fort and then sail towards it. As you sail towards the fort do not waste time waiting for the fort to attack! Continue to fight off all three ships with Mortars and Heavy Shots and eventually the fort will help out and fire at one of the ships and sink it. If you sink all three ships without completing the objective simply reload the checkpoint to start the section again. Once both brigs and frigate are down board the frigate and plunder it to complete the mission

Do Not Go Gently

When the mission begins activate Eagle Vision to find the snitch. Follow him but stay out of sight! Sit at the nearby bench and then move towards the conversing pirates to stay hidden. Once the snitch enters the forest activate Eagle Vision again to view more redcoats. Follow the SSI circle as the men talk and dispatch the guards that are in the way. Continue to follow the snitch and the captain up the stairs to trigger a cutscene. When the ambush starts run towards the Jackdaw. Follow the fiery path and then get on the wheel and quickly sail towards the Man O' War To achieve the optional objective you will need to fire a Heavy Shot manually. Get near the Man O' War and rotate the camera then press the fire button but do not aim Keep moving around the Man O' War and firing Heavy Shots and sink that sucker to satisfy the requirement. After The Man O' War is down and out get in close and board the ship. Fight off as many of the redcoats until a cutscene triggers. From there swim towards the Jackdaw and get out of the island to complete the mission

The Fireship

The Fireship
When the mission begins the first set of ships you will encounter are THREE gunships and a docked brig. Target are fire Mortors at all three of the gunships to destroy them Avoid using Fire Barrels on the gunships because they move too fast and you may not target them.  Destroy the gunships and keep following the Fireship while fending off more of the gunboats that arrive in.  Once the fireship makes its destination DO NOT ESCAPE JUST YET! A blockade of FOUR frigates will sail in to fight you off so remain in the area and destroy them all. Yes you will want to  incapacitate each ship but not board them  so that you can use Fire Barrels on them. Use the Mortars and Heavy Rounds to incapacitate them Once all four frigates are Incapacitated it's time to use a Fire Barrel on them! Sail in close to any of the frigates and then rotate the camera behind the Jackdaw and then toss a Fire Barrel. If done correctly the barrel will explode the frigate upon impact and completing the objective From there sail towards the waypoint to complete the mission

Commodore Eighty Sixed

Commodore Eighty Sixed

Tail the guards around town taking out any that get a little too close. There are several chances to get in stalking zones and get the kill so be quick! The guards will eventually reach the shoreline so what until they stop at the campsite. From there take the path on the right leading  to the ship and then climb the robes to the middle mast (the guards will see you but won't pursue you) From the mid mast wait for Chamberlaine to stroll underneath you and then fly in for the Air Assassination to complete the mission

The Gunpowder Plot

The Gunpowder Plot part 1
The Gunpowder Plot part 2

Time to go steal a bunch of gunpowder. There are four spots marked on your map and each of them is heavily guarded Killing Four Guards With A Kill Streak Optional objective can be done with any of the guards around Nassau. To do a streak Kill you will need to use a Counter and kill move on one guard and then quickly kill the next guard closest to you and then repeat it continuously until you get interrupted or stop. if you are in mid-combo and you counter block or get hit during the streak the streak is broken. Gather a gang of four guards and then simply keep tapping the attack button while moving from one guy to the next to achieve the streak. This can be done with any weapon except the pistols!. As you navigate from area to area and stealing gunpowder barrels stay hidden in the bushes and shoot either Berserk Darts or Sleeping Darts your choice at the guards until the objective is complete. When stealing all the gunpowder barrels there is no need for any kind of stealth so simply walk up to each area and fight off all the guards and then steal the gunpowder. Steal four gunpowder barrels to complete the mission

We Demand a Parlay

I am happy to announce that i am going back to the actual game instand of the side quests we are up to sequence 7 mission 1 We Demand A Parlay

We Demand A Parlay Part 1
We Demand A Parlay Part 2

Find the woman down by the beach on Nassau to start the mission. Tail all of the pirates and British through Nassau. Keep moving forward to the fort. Once there wait outside in the bushes while the men talk. Once they go inside the fort run off to the left and hop along the cliffs on the side. Once you get to the part that looks kinda broken start going up until you get to the top of the fort. As you climb up the first tower to the top you will encounter a gunner patrolling the open ledge. Wait until he get close then use a ledge kill on him Climb higher to the top of the tower to find two more gunners patrolling the top Use two more ledge kills on both of them to complete the objective Get up to the synch point and synchronize the area if you have not already. There are several gunners guards captains and a Brute that roam inside the fortress Rogers and Clamberlaine will be speaking with the other pirates inside the fortress so don't make a move yet. Wait until they go inside the warehouse (Rogers will stop speaking at that point) and then use an Eagle Dive to lower ground. With Rogers and Chamberlaine out of sight you can jump out and fight off all the guards regardless if they ring the bell or not. Once all the guards are down and out go ahead and sabotage the ball to complete the objective. From there walk up to the warehouse door and take Chamberlaine's plans on the top of the barrel to complete the mission

The Different Naval Contracts

Sink Enemy Ship
These contracts consists of taking the Jackdaw out to a designated area and searching for the ship(s) that you are contracted to sink After reaching them and sinking them the contract will be completed immediatly
Stolen Goods
In these you will have to reteieve stolen goods from ships then heading back to hand them over to the contract giver If you already have an amble supply of goods you can hand them over instantly for contract completion.
The Hunter becomes the hunted
In this type of of contract you have to gain a wanted livel and continue to sink a designated number of hunter ships.
In these contracts you have to sail to the marked area and identify your allies with the spyglass. After doing so you will have to defend them for a number of waves of enemy ships

Templar Hunt Vance Travers

First talk to Vance Travers in Nassau. He wants you to eliminate a Templar named Upton. Go locate your target named Upton. Go locate your target and eavesdrop on the two men. They certainly have a thing for the word "Smuggler" Keep following them listening to them talk until they take you to where Upton is. Use Eagle Vision to find Upton then take him down. Oh wait he is a good guy interesting...
 First follow Upton after talking to him. Go tail Upton and Vance now after hiding in the bushes. Stay hidden while following them around Eventually a spy will show up. Take him out quickly and go hide again so that nobody will notice you. Hopefully there will not be a hanging going on at the gallows otherwise it will make this mission very difficult . Once they move out through the square another spy will show up. Take him out on the side of the gallows then keep following the two brothers down the street A third spy will show up in an alley on the left side of the street. Be ready to kill him now. Once he is also taken out keep following the brothers until they are done talking. Now just follow Vance until he takes you to a small square with a well in it Eavesdrop on the conversation between Vance and the Pirate Queen Jing Lang. Once the conversation is done you need to stop Upton's killer
After finding Upton incredibly drink you need to protect him. Take out all of the men who jump you. Once they are dealt with escort Upton. He needs to take a drunken leak now so wait for him to finish. Unfortunely he attracts attention from guards so take these men out as well. Done!
Go talk to Upton again. He has sobered up since last time thankfully it is time to end Vance and Jing. Sneak out into the swamps now keeping yourself out of the attention of the guards nearby. You will eventually get back far enough to find a small camp with several guards and two Templar turncoats Sneak through the bushes to get close then run up and kill Vance After Vance is dead now you need to get the Queen. She is right there in the camp so give chase and kill her You get another Templar key from Jing now. Once all that is done you need to run and hide. Good job if you have followed the 4 posts you now can get the Templar Armor

Templar Hunt Anto

First meet up with Anto in Kingston. After talking with him you need to eavesdrop on a few guards.After listening to what they have to say you now need to eavesdrop on another conversation. Move across the town to the new conversation and listen in. After this converstation is over the two guards take off. Chase after one of them and tackle him to the ground.After learning that the slaves are being held by the windmill you're done
Go find Anto in Kingston and talk with him again. Follow Anto in Kingston and talk with him again. Follow Anto forward and use the drunks to attack the guards here. While the guards are fighting go and free the slaves. Take out any guards if they are bothering you. Once the first slave is free there are two more as well. Go to the other slaves and repeat the process. There should be bands of drunks around for you to pay off if you want the extra help. One all three slaves are freed you are done!
You need to defend the bureau from attack now. Kill all of the guards who come in and attack. Once they are taken care of there will be a few more groups of guards who will attack soon. Kill off as many guards as you can in the 30 seconds then get back to the bureau and defend it. Once this wave is done you will be on the next wave. You only have 20 seconds this time so do your best then head back to the bureau to defend it for one last time. Once done you are done!
Talk to Anto in Kingston one last time. Tail the guard here. He will run into a few friends and eventually you will be tailing around 10 people. Keep following them until they break off Follow only the group of two. Once they get to the restricted area you need to go find the real target. Sneak your way through the sugar cane fields, making your way back to the plantation house. Use Eagle Vision to locate the real target. Once you spot him find a way to kill him. Once dead run away and become anonymous. You are now 1 Templar key away to that sweet armor now!

Templar Hunt Rhona Dinsmore

First find Rhona in Havana and talk to her She needs some help defending her position so let's lend a hand. After talking a group of guards comes so kill them off Once dead another wave will be coming in 30 seconds so grab a powder keg and put it at one of the three choke points in the area. Once guards start coming back fire at the kegs to take them all out at once. After fighting off the second wave get ready for a third with the powder kegs. There is a fourth wave now once the third wave is done keep repeating the process with the powder kegs. Once all four waves of guards are taken care of the mission is over
Go talk to Rhona again. She needs some help with a thief. First run off to the market to go find a pickpocket. Use Eagle Vision to locate the thief he is gonna to start running away now so chase after him! Once near him tackle him to the ground and loot him. That was easy!
Find Rhona and talk to her. Go find the three powder keg reserves scattered around Havana and go destroy them. They are all in restricted area's that are heavily guarded so you may need to fight your way to the reserves. Once you light a keg you have EIGHT seconds to get away before it blows up so make sure you have an exit strategy. Once all three reserves have been blown sky high you are done
Find Rhona one last time. It is time to finally end Flint the Templar with a key. First follow Rhona She takes you down to the docks Rhona acts as a distraction but Flint eventually will start to run away. Chase after him and take him out to see Rhona and Flint say their kind of sweet but also weird goodbyes. One key closer to that sweet armor!

Templar Hint Opia Apito

First find Opia Apito on Cayman Sound (327,334) which is also located behind Grand Clayman. First you must prove yourself to her so go out and hunt Use Eagle Vision to find critters then shoot them by using your auto shot (don't aim) or make them fall asleep and skin them. You need to keep up with Opia but it is not too hard look by the branches as there are more animals out there. After you get at least four animals a white jaguarwill spawn and attack you. Kill him now to finish the mission.
First sail off to Grand Cayman (397 , 324) to get to Opia again. Follow her through the town with talking. Once finished go find Alvin using Eagle Vision. Once located eavesdrop on the Templar and his associates. Once their conversation is done, get behind one of them and pickpocket the ledger from him. Super simple.
Once that is done talk to Opia again on Grand Cayman. Follow Opia again while she explains things. She will then tell you to hide so turn around and dive into the pile of plam fronds. Now chase and catch Vargas. He gets away so hop behind the wheel of the Jackdaw and incapactiate the ship he gets on. Board it and take out FIVE enemies and you will have some face time with Vargas.
Set sail for Pinos Isle (335,469) to find Opia for one last time. After talking to her tail the soldier with her through the jungle Move from stalking zone to stalking zone without being detected. Once you get to some ruins take out all of the guards. Use the powder kegs on the ground or the stalking zones to clear the area. Once the area is clear a second wave of enemies come take them down also. Once the second wave is done chase after Lucia Marquez. Once close take her out to get her Templar key

Sunday, January 19, 2014

All 4 Templar Hunts

We are taking a break from the Walkthrough to talk about Templar Hunts there are 4 of them they are Templar Hunt  Opia Apito Templar Hunt  Rhona Dinsmore  Templar Hunt Anto and Templar Hunt Vance Travers I will go explain each mission in it's own post. the reason why i am going over this is because of you do them you can get the Templar armor

Abstergo Interlude 3

Abstergo Interlude 3 part 1
Abstergo Interlude 3 part 2

Meet Melanie by the elevator and go back up to the CCO's office Looks like they want a word in private but an urgent matter with Melanie stops them from meeting with you. Inside your earpiece John the security guy gets in contact with you follow his directions and go around the corner towards the restrooms and down the stairs towards the security room with level 2 security access on the right Go up to the console activate it and enter 5-2-7 as the security code and then watch the proceeding footage inside the CCO's office. When that is done exit the security room and make a left turn towards the windows where you will see a room under constrution and a large open window after a few seconds a window cleaning galley will arrive so get on i and ride up to the CCO's office. Go into the CCO's office and hack into his computer. For this minigame you will have to move the circular ball from left to right towards the lines that are NOT red. Make it all the way to the right to complete the hack. From there make for the elevator when the secretary gets distracted. Go in the elevator and ride down to the lobby and meet up with Shawn and Rebecca to pass them the info. Now go back to the second floor and back to your Animus to continue Sequence 7

The Siege of Charles Town

The Siege of Charles Town
After talking to Blackbeard tail the gunboat. You need to be careful weaving through the swamp. Once you get close watchtowers starts sprouting up. Dodge the yellow areas around them so they can't see you. You will get so far and then be blocked by two towers. Ext the ship and then jump towards the first watchtower. There is no need for stealth here so you can just fight off the guards just as long as long as they don't ring the Alarm Bell. Sabotage the bell and then get back on the ship and continue following the schooner. After following the schooner some more Edward docks the ship and you will need to go on foot for the rest of the way. Before you chase after the small boat you will see two Crocodiles swimming nearby quickly fire a Sleeping Dart at one of them and then get in close and skin it. Follow the path towards the boat until you reach a large tree stump that overlooks the river. Activate Eagle Vision to find TWO more Crocs in the water. Fire Sleeping Darts at both of them quickly Continue following the path by taking the upper rooftops and pilars while keeping the boat in your sights. Once you reach the graveyard site wait until the boat docks and then you can move in for the eavesdrop Once this happens get close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation. After you hear what they have to say quickly chase after and kill the captain. Run forward and use alternate paths on the left side to get within range of the captain. There is no need to tackle or kill the captain up close so just get within range of him and then fire the Pistol to kill him and complete the mission

Devil's Advocate

Devil's Advocate 
When the mission begins you will be tasked with finding FIVE survivors out in sea. Sail around the Restricted Area while searching for shipwreck survivors in the distance and then pick them up. Blackbeard's ship is docked at Mariguana island on the southern section of the map so place a marker and sail towards it to find the Queen Anne's Revenge. Dock your ship nearby and then run and help Blackbeard. Equip smoke bombs so that you can stun and kill multiple enemies very quickly. Once the area is clear of enemies go talk to Blackbeard. Equip smoke bombs so that you can stun and kill multiple enemies very quickly Once the area is clear of enemies go talk to Blackbeard. He wants you to pilot his ship against the man-o-war out in the ocean Hop aboard and sail off. Get close to avoid the mortar attacks and make sure all three blasts from your cannons hit the target. Blackbeard's ship has no Mortars so you will need to sail in close and fire the Heavy Rounds at it to damage it. Once the ship is almost destroyed get close so that you can board it. From the top mast take cover and shoot the nearby gunner. They may be far away from you but their shots can damage you immensely. Approach the lower mast of the Man O' War and then target and air assassinate the ship's captain to complete the mission

Diving for Medicines

Diving for Medicines part 1
Diving for Medicines part 2
Diving for Medicines part 3

On a first playthrough Sequence 6 begins at the tavern in Nassau Blackbeard and Hornigold will ask Kenway to follow them as they discuss some matters regarding Nassau. Follow both men through the island and then make your way to the Harbormaster when prompted. Purchase the Diving Bell upgrade for the Jackdaw for 5000R to open the first mission for Sequence 6 Once you ahve acquired the Diving Bell it will allow Kenway to access all the Shipwerecks on the map where he can dive to the bottom of the ocean to find prizes and plunder. From there get on the Jackdaw and sail towards the San Ignacio Wreck to start the mission. This opening sequence is NOT available on a Replay When the mission begins Edward will be dropped off on the southern side of the San Igacio Wreck. There will be a total of FOUR chests in this area but you only need 3 chests to complete the optional objective. on the left most side you will find an enclosed hatch on part of the sunken ship. Swim towards the hatch and open it up and then dive down and open the chest to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene the hatch will be blocked and you will need to swim through the cavern. Swim through the caverns and get to the nearest air pocket to refill on air and then contunue swimming to the other side. As you exit the cavern you will encounter a giant pool of sharks swimming everywhere Avoiding detection won't be easy so swim and hide in the large patches of green colored seaweed to stay hidden Move between seaweed patches while keeping watch of your breath Get close towards the diving bell and then quickly swim towards it before any of the sharks can fully detect you. Also note if you haven' fulfilled the looted chests requirement there are a few more chests here to open Return to the Diving Bell in one piece to complete the mission. If Kenway does get attacked by a shark simply go to the Pause screen and reload the last checkpoint to redo the shark part.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Unmanned part 1
Unmanned part 2

The Tower near the closest alarm bell has two gunners patrolling it. Use the vegetation to avoid combat and get in close to the first tower and then fire a Sleep Dart at both gunners. IF the coast is clear climb up the tower and kill both gunners before they wake up! There are several Brutes (the big guys with the large axes) that roam the fields so stay in cover and then fire a Berserk Dart at one of them and watch one try to kill the others. Once you disable three alarm bells move up towards the mansion gates to trigger a cutscene with Mary (James Kidd). There are several guards and a Brute that patrol the front of the mansion so fire a Berserk Dart at the Brute and he will eliminate most of the guards at the entrance for you. Eliminate the rest of the guard and then climb to the rooftop of the mansion and Synchronize the area. Prins is located at the back of the mansion. He will be roaming under a wooden veranda near the alarm bell. Be sure to eliminate the gunners on the rooftop and then use an Leap of Faith to the courtyard below. Get in close to the veranda and use Eagle vision to ID Prins. From there aim the Pistol at Prins and fire to kill him. After the cutscene fight your way out of the mansion and out of the plantation. Fight off who you can and then toss a Smoke Bomb to run away Run out of the area and then meet with Mary to complete the mission

Traveling Salesman

Traveling Salesman
For this mission you can either use Smoke Bombs on guards while tailing Torres or you can wait until the tail-end of the mission to fight off some guards. If you prefer to stun guards while tailing Torres you will have to be quick so that the two men don't spot you. Drop a Smoke Bomb on all of the guards that the two men walk past and then stun and kill them quickly(them being the guards) When killing the sniper guys on the rooftops you can either use a Pistol kill them from up close or use a Smoke Bomb and kill them which will count towards both optional objectives. Aside from doing all that you'll still need to keep Torres and Prins in your sight so that you don't lose track of them. Luckily, there are more than enough gunners to find on rooftops to complete the objective. Continue to tail the two men while keeping track of the guards you kill. As Torres and Prins reach the mansion entrance there will be an open doorway with stairs that Edward can take to the rooftops. From the rooftops use an Eagle Dive to the mansion entrance and then get close to Torres and Prins to trigger a cutscene. If you have not stunned and killed five guards by this point. NOW would be the best time to do it! Use a smoke bomb on the brutes and then slice them down. Once that is done you will need to chase down Kidd and tackle him Take him down to complete the mission

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Forts

The Forts part 1
The Forts part 2

Before beginning this mission it is recommended that you upgrade the Mortar of the Jackdaw.  Gather enough metal to purchase a set of copper Mortars (level 2). Once that is done sail over to the Fort to start the mission. There will be 1-2 brigs near the fort so be ready to fight them off. To damage the fort aim the Mortar shot at any of the two highlighted corners of the fort and fire a Mortar at it to do some serious damage and complete the objective You do not need to destroy the fort with Mortars but i recommend because you can be further out and destroy the defenses but watch out for the base's mortars because they will hurt your ship. After the defenses are blown up a quick cutscene occurs and then you can dock the Jackdaw at the fort entrance. Bring the boat in then run up the steps and scale the fiery rubble to the inner fortress. Move forward into the burning fortress to find the officer. Use a Running Assassination on him to complete the objective. Once the officer is down, the guards at the fortress surrender. From there make your way to the War Room at the top of the fort to complete the mission

Overrun and Outnumbered

Overrun and Outnumbered part 1
Overrun and Outnumbered part 2

When the mission begins Kidd hands you a new weapon: The Blowpipe is equipped with Sleeping Darts and Berserk Darts. For the mission there is no particular order when freeing hostages. Approach the nearest one and use as much stealth to free them from the guards. (When you fire a Sleeping Dart at a guard, be sure to run up and eliminate them before they wake up! if you let them sleep they will wake up and resume their patrol. When you shoot the Berserk Darts the victim will die once the effect wears off so shoot the victim with the Dart then leave him to go "Berserk". Use the sleep darts to knock out the riflemen roaming guards and guards in the watch towers. Use the berserk darts to cause the roaming guards to kill their compatriots or die trying. Avoid using the Berserk Darts on the riflemen! if they get hit with a Berserk Dart they will not attack their compatriots but also kill the hostages and if there is more than 5 casualties the mission is a failure and you will need to start the whole mission over. To refill Sleeping and Berserk Darts you will have to release the hostages As a thank you they will give you extra Darts so that you can complete the optional objectives. Don't forget that the Blowpipe can also be used while in combat. Press the Y or the Triangle button to fire a dart while engaged in combat. It's OK if you are caught but try to be as stealthy as possible. Once you've freed 14 or more hostages the mission is complete 

The Sage's Buried Secret

The Sage's Buried Secret part 1
The Sage's Buried Secret part 2

Follow James Kidd through the underground labyrinth. He gets to a bridge that collapses so go to the left wall and climb along it to cross the gap. From here hop onto the counterweight stone and ride it down to open the door. Keep following James further into the cavern until you reach an open hole use a leap of faith to get to the water below and then press the circle/B button to begin underwater swimming Press and hold the R1/RB button to swim faster while using the Left Analog stick to move forward. Rotate the camera to guide Edward as he swims while pushing the Left Analog Stick up. Reach the first air pocket to grab some air so that you don't die because of drowning and then follow Kidd and swim to the next area. When you are back on land approach the temple and climb it to the top At the top is another color-based mechanism puzzle. This time use the two counterweights to pick up the stones and drop them on their respective colors (blue dragon head on the blue floor, read dragon head on the red floor, and green dragon head on the green floor.) Use the lever in the middle of the circle to spin it around to line everything up. Solve the puzzle to complete the mission

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nothing Is True

Nothing Is True part 1

Sailing to Tulum is no easy feat. The waters are filled with dangerous foes and several forts block the way. Take the time to plunder any and all ships and upgrade the jackdaw. Take down the forts near Tulum for easier access and to clear the waters of enemies. Once you reach Tulum the mission begins with Edward on the beach. But Before you do anything make a 180 degree turn and look behind the large rock to find the first treasure chest to loot. To find the other three chests you'll need to Synchronize the island. Swim towards the next beachside area with bushes and climb up and hide. There will be THREE Assassins that patrol this area (one roaming, two stationary). Wait for the roaming assassin to move away and then choke out the first guy in fromt of you (no need to whistle him in) With the first Assassin down quickly approach the roaming Assassin and knock them out. The third Assassin is just up the path in front of a haystack quickly jump into that haystack and knock the third guy to complete the objective. From here do NOT go to the other side of the beach just yet! Across from the haystack is a higher cliff ledge with a Viewpoint. Quietly make your way up the cliffside and hide in the bushes to see TWO Assassin's guarding the Viewpoint. Take down both Assassins with stealth and then climb up the wooden mast to the viewpoint and Synchronize the beach-side. From there the remaining three treasure chests locations will be revealed on the GPS map With the beachside Synchronized dive down to the water (or to the haystack) and  use the bushes from the back of the area. Since most of the Assassins on the beach are facing the water, you'll have to sneak behind them. Make your way towards the waypoint and wait for the Assassin to turn around and then run up and smack him BUT WAIT!  Before you leave the area there is another treasure chest! The chest is at the other end of the bench and has an Assassin guarding it. Wait for the Assassin to turn around and then run up and smack him. Now open the chest. Once that is done,  enter the next area to the jungle. There is NO need to eliminate anybody in this area so avoid combat! Run towards the sculpture and climb up towards the branches Go to the LEFT (NOT RIGHT) side of the jungle and scale down the tree to the bushes next to the stairs. Rotate the camera to watch the roaming Assassins below! When the coast is clear run up the stairs towards the next sculpture. Climb the sculpture and jump towards the tree watchtower. the waypoint is to the left side so jump towards that direction and jump down to the path below. Be quick so that the Assassins do not spot you! The third area is a large Mayan ruin. There are numberous Assassins roaming the lower area so avoid sneaking the lower area. Make a left turn at the stairs and quickly climb it up to the top and then hide in the bushes. There are FOUR Assassins and a treasure chest in this section. Quietly knock out all four of the Assassin guards to clear the area. From there approach the lone chest at the back and open it up. At the edge of the cliff, jump towards the Mayan ruin and climb it to the top. Hide in the bushes and look froward to see two more Assassins. Knock them both out to clear the top area to reach the last waypoint at the top of the ruins, jump towards the large tree branches (WATCH OUT FOR THE SNIPER) and towards the sniper. Knock out the sniper and then hide in the bushes nearby. When the coast is clear take the path to the right side and then go up towards where James Kidd is waiting but before you go to Kidd there is ONE(1) more treasure chest to loot! Across from where Kidd is standing is another Mayan ruin. Make your way towards the ruin and find the last treasure chest on the right side. And while you are there solve the Mayan Stelae puzzle With all chests looted meet with Kidd to complete the mission

Sunday, January 12, 2014

This Old Cove Sequence 4 mission 1

This Old Cove part 1
This Old Cove part 2

Follow Kidd into the jungle and he will ask you to solve a Mayan Stelae puzzle. if  you haven't solved one yet simply climb the sculpture to the top and then activate Eagle Vision to start a mini-puzzle. Align the white lines with the environment to solve the puzzle and reveal a Mayan stone. With the Stone in hand follow Kidd into the next cove. The cove will lead to an underground hideout with a secret stairway. Make your way up the stairs to trigger a cut-scene regarding the Templar armor and the Templar Hunt Missions. After the cut scene make you way to the docks and meet with Kidd to complete the mission. After completing the mission get on the jackdaw and sail out to sea. From there Adewale will inform you about starting a fleet. When the conversation with Adewale is done go to the captain's quarters and access the map to start the Kenway's fleet tutorial. After completing the tutorial Edward can then salvage any of the ships that are plundered by the Jackdaw. The salvaged ships can be sent out on fleet missions for money gifts treasure maps and items for the Jackdaw

Upgrades for the Jackdaw

I have decided to take a break from the walk-through to explain upgrades for the jackdaw I have been well past sequence 4 and I am up to sequence 7 so the Jackdaw is well upgraded. For the Weapons and armor
I have advanced hull right now but that took a lot of resources
I have 3/7 broadside cannons
  maxed out chase cannons,
 2/4 on my ram strength
 4/5 on my round shot strength
3/3 on chain shot strength
 2/4 on my mortar strength
 and for my swivel strength i have 3/4
 for my heavy shot i have 2/3
 and for the fire barrel strength 1/3
 and i have the diving bell
 For my heavy shot storage i have 3/4
for my mortar is 3/4
 and my fire barrel storage i have 1/4
 and for the crew quarters i am fully upgraded
 and for the cargo storage i am fully upgraded
 for my rowboat armor i am fully upgraded
 and for the harpoon strength i have 2/3
 and for the harpoon storage i am fully upgraded
 i recommend you get all of these upgrades but it will take a lot of resources so just keep attacking ships

Abstergo Interlude 2

Abstergo Interlude 2 part 1
Abstergp Interlude 2 part 2

After exiting the Animus Melanie will walk up and inform you of your current status. From there she'll instruct you to go to the CCO's office so enter the elevator and choose the 15th floor. Exit the elevator and enter the CCO's office for a brief chat. When the chat is done. you'll receive instructions to go to a co-worker's computer and hack it. Take the elevator back to the 2nd floor and enter the office to the right with a level 1 clearance tag on the door. The IT Guy will open the door for you. so go inside and approach the marked computer to enter a hacking mini-game. For the mini-game you are required to move the marker using the lines on the sphere. Move the marker up, down, left, or right to get it to sync with the green line on the sphere when it matches the computer is hacked and you will retrieve data on Subject 17(Desmond Miles) With the data in tow, go to the elevator and take it to the lobby. Meet with the contacts at the coffee stall in the lobby to pass off the information and then go back to your workstation on the 2nd floor and continue on the Animus for Sequence 4 (and if you have played any of the other Assassin's creed games be ready for a good surprise)  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Single Madman

A Single Madman part 1
A Single Madman part 2

One optional objective will take a lot of patience so i will go step by step When the mission begins take the rope and swing out to the waters. Swim to shore and approach the ruins. You'll need to climb it up to the top to reach the jungles and the the optional objective that will take a lot of patience

STAY OUT OF COMBAT: This objective applies in the jungles ONLY! You'll need patience and quickness in order to get by the jungle without getting spotted.  I will go step-by-step with pictures (pictures will be below the text for that picture)

When you enter the jungle there will be a single guard roaming nearby Stay in the foliage and whistle him in for a stealth kill

Continue up the path to the next area that has two guards doing target practice. Ignore them and take the tree branches on the left side. As soon as you land on the ground, keep running to the next area and hide in the bushes

In the next area take the large tree branch and go to the right side. The guard below will see you bu ignore him and keep running towards the wall and then hide in the bushes. When he comes in to investigate kill him with a stealth kill

The one more guard that is turned around, so approach him from behind and kill him. Navigate further up the path to find another roaming guard. Approach him from behind and kill him

From here, this part of the jungle is cleared of enemies so continue up the path and slide under the branch to reach the waterfall area. Continue up the mountainside to the next jungle area

The next jungle area is cleared of enemies for the moment so make your way up the path until you reach a small village area with huts and several guards

The only guard you need to kill is the roaming brute Wait for him to walk into the foliage (don't whistle him in) and then kill him with a stealth kill.

 From there run up the large tree above the hut and swing towards the bushes to avoid detection. In the last area of the jungle are several more hunts with guards plus a watch tower with a sniper . The two guards and the sniper will patrol around the large tree in a circle, which allows for you to move between bushes. Avoid killing these three and simply move towards the exit

There are two guards at the jungle exit. You can't get past them without getting spotted so get close and let one see you. When one sees you quickly run back towards the brushes and hide. The guard will try to find you again so wait for him to turn around and then go up and kill him. From there, avoid the others and simply run out of the jungle as fast as you can
 When you reach the beachside the objective of stay out of combat is over we can now kill people without risking the 100% sync. The beachside has several shacks and huts that have guards around them. Avoid any stealth and kill all of the the enemies. When you are done clearing the beachside swim towards the front side of the Man O' War and climb aboard. Climb up the rafters to the top mast (don't worry about the guards they will not see you) and then traverse the ropes to reach the center mast

AIR ASSASSINATE DU CASSE: Reach the lower beam and then activate Eagle Vision to spot DU Casse. Wait for him to walk underneath and then go for the air assassination to complete the misssion (If you missed the air assassination don't worry just climb back up and then try again for the kill)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Proper Defenses

Proper Defenses part 1
Proper Defenses part 2

When the mission starts you are tasked with finding the Arca Del Maestro A Man O' War ship Unfortunately the weather gets rainy and it is easy to get lost. The fastest way to find the Man O' War is to sail within the green zone and then open up the map The Arca ship will be the big red dot in the middle of the green circle so mark it on the map and then sail towards the waypoint to pinpoint the Arca's location (use the Spy glass to ID the ship) Once the arca is in your sight you will need to keep your distance while following it. The only problem is that there are numerous gunboats patrolling nearby, so you'll need to steer clear of them AND the Arca's sight use quick steering around the gunboats to avoud combat and keep up with the Arca until it makes a full stop. When the ship stops a fellow pirate will sail in and try to destroy it. The Arca will then begin shooting mortars in your direction so get moving fast! steer clear of the yellow aim spots to avoid damage from the mortar fire. If you get hit it shaves nearly 1/3 of your ship's life bar. The Arca will fire mortars three times so steer clear. After the Arca escapes a total of EIGHT(8) gunships will show up for a battle. To sink 2 ships with one broadside, you'll need to aim between two nearby gunships and fire the cannons in between them. When done correctly it should hit both ships and destroy them in one hit. For this objective you'll need to fire the cannons WITHOUT aiming them. Rotate the camera to the left or right side and then press the RB button to manually fire the cannons at the ships. Keep firing without aiming at any two ships to get the objective Once all eight gunboats are sunk the mission is complete

Sugarcane and Its Yields

Sugarcane and Its Yields
Sugarcane and Its Yields part 2

Follow Kidd for a short walk and he'll tell you to find the agent on the other side of the island. Take the nearby hill to the top and view the regal agent talking to locals in front of the tavern Use the nearby tree branch to reach the bushes next to the tavern and watch the agent as he walk back to his schooner. When the agent gets abroad his ship you will have 50 seconds to get back on the Jackdaw and to follow after the agent. the Stay Out of Combat objective only applies when the Jackdaw is inside the Restricted Area Since the Waters are foggy You must rely on the GPS to see the enemy ships and where they are looking (said by a yellow triangle) STAY AWAY FROM THE SHIPS TO COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVE Continue to follow the agent's ship towards the plantation and then dock the jackdaw nearby Quickly run towards the way-point to trigger a eavesdrop. Get near the agent and stalk him some more on the plantation Eavesdrop on his conversations as he moves around talking to all of the drunk guards. Afterwards he walks up to the storage house and demands for the guard with the key From here you will have to find the guard with the key The guard with the key roams just near the warehouse Using Eagle Vision ID the guard ( he's got a wig and holds a lantern) Eliminate the keyholder and his bodyguard with one swoop and loot the key but DO NOT loot the warehouse just yet!(don't worry you will loot the warehouse in a little bit) but first we have to Sabotage TWO Alarm Bells which are not too far away the first one is just behind the warehouse and the second is in front of the shack across the warehouse clear out any nearby guards and then sabotage both bells for the objective now we can now do what we all want to do LETS LOOT THAT WAREHOUSE and if you plundered the warehouse without triggering any alarms 400R will be coming your way Mission over

Monday, January 6, 2014

Prizes and Plunder and Raise The Black Flag

Prizes and Plunder Part 1
Prizes and Plunder Part 2

Raise The Black Flag Part 1
Raise The Black Flag part 2

I am going to do two parts of a walkthrough because one starts right after the other one

Go talk to your crew on the bench and learn that they want you how to properly plunder (steal goods) other boats after the cut-scene Set Sail out into the ocean and use your spyglass(hold down the Right Button) to choose what ship to attack after you choose the ship go after it (make sure that the two ships you have to plunder combined have at least 20 rum for the 100% Mission Sync.) After you hurt a ship enough that it is burning it is ready for boarding. In the combined two ships you must shoot 3 sailors to get 100% Once you have boarded two ships and have at least 60 cargo sail back to Salt Key and pick up and intermediate hull from the harbor master You are done with Prizes And Plunder but we will get thrown right into the next mission
ship ready for boarding

This Mission starts right after Prizes and Plunder For this mission we need to gather 70 pieces of metal. To gather the metal use the spyglass and look on the horizon for enemy ships as you look for ships the spyglass highlights the ship and lists the cargo and the level if the level color is green it will be too easy and if the level color is white it means that it will have a little difficulty but you can destroy it and if the level color is red it means that it will be very hard to destroy aka do not try to attack it you will most likely by killed. for the first optional objective is to plunder a hunter ship (I have a video from youtube on how to do that) The second optional objective is to plunder 30 sugar just find ships that have sugar and board that ship After you get the 70 metal and the 30 sugar and boarding a hunter ship take the jackdaw back to salt key and find the local officer to bribe him and reduce your Notoriety once you do that head back to the jackdaw and buy the broadside cannons upgrade from the captain's quarters. Once you upgrade your cannons go back to the deck to finish the mission

(how to plunder a hunter ship start at 1:00) 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Now Hiring

Now Hiring Part 1
Now Hiring Part 2

When the mission begins approach the closest set of pirates and help them out. You have to be bare fist Counter their attack and them press the X button to disarm them with their weapon in head Kill them with it for the kill to count for the Disarm and kill guards optional objectives. After you kill one guard with his weapon you have to unequip the weapon and repeat for the other two. Approach each of the pirate icons and fight off the guards For some areas you have to be stealthy and kill the guards from behind or the pirates are dead meat. The Last area to the north with the pirates next to the fort There are two snipers and a lot of guards to deal with here so get to killing them Release the remaining pirates for the next objective which is free the captain. Make your way towards the gallows near the fort and use the pistol from the crowd aim at the rope above the pirate's head (DON"T SHOOT THE PIRATE) to save the pirate From there eliminate the rest of the guards and free the pirate Once you have freed all of the men for you crew return to the tavern to complete the mission

The Tyro Captain Sequence 3 part 1

Make Full sail for Abaco island while holding your fire with the other boats The Jackdaw is not equipped for combat yet so stay away from the boats When you arrive at the island dock the ship nearby and jump to the water and swim to shore Before you hurt some animals synchronize the viewpoint. After the viewpoint is sychronized we are going to hurt Iguana because you get 100% Sync if you shoot an Iguana and you need 2 iguanas Leathers for Health Upgrade 1 Skin both Iguana's so that you can get the Health Upgrade 1. The ocelot is a bobcat feline that roams towards the middle of the island Climb to a high branch and activate Eagle Visionto spot several ocelots in the area and when an ocelet gets close to air assassinate them kill one and shoot down another ocelet and skin both of them. Now that you have all 4 items craft the pistol holster II and health Upgrade I After you draft both items take the nearby boat in the middle of the island to go back to the Jackdaw and then speak to your quartermaster (Adewale) to complete the mission

The Tyro Captain part 1
The Tyro Captain part 2

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Treasure Fleet

The Treasure Fleet Part 1
The Treasure Fleet part 2

When the mission begins follow the onscreen instructions to free yourself from the shackles. From there take cover at the nearest corner for your first objective reaching your gear. for the first optional objective walk up to the first corner and get the attention of the guard by whistling and assassinate him for your first corner kill When you finish with the first guard walk up to the second corner in the next cabin  and get the attention of the guard by whistling and assassinate him for your second corner kill. Enter the last room and STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE. The guard will get suspicious of the dead bodies and when he is near your corner kill him for you third and last corner kills. With the cabins cleared of enemies approach the back cabin and get your gear after you get everything exit the cabin using the nearby ladder to the deck above Now even though the mission only requires 18 pirates rescued if you get all 23 you will get 100% sync if you get all 23. There are NINE pirates on the first ship i recommend you clear the enemies off the ship then get the pirates. After the first ship is cleared go to the ship on the left side Swim towards the ship and board the ship Clear the enemies on that ship and free the next THREE pirates and then move on to the ship up in front. Board the ship from the back of the ship and kill the enemies on the ship from there free the TWO pirates and then move on the ship on the right side. Swim towards the last Man O' War on the right and climb abroad The pirates are not on the deck but clear out the deck anyway. When you finish with the top deck approach the hatch door in the center of the ship and enter the cabins below. Eliminate the guards in the cabins and then approach the remaining nine pirates and free them. With all the prates freed climb back outside Take the nearby rope and swing towards the brig in the middle of the water Kill off the captain and eliminate the rest of the crew to overtake the ship. Now that we have a ship it is time to sail outta there as fast as your can. Go Full sail and steer out of the way of the others. The other boats will fire but hold your fire and keep moving forward as you sail futher out a rouge wave crash in and climinate the gunboats for you be sure to sail the rogue waves head on to avoid damage! when the enemies are gone sail towards the waypoint on the map Steer clear of the hurricanes looking spouts and keep steering towards the waypoint to complete the mission

Claiming What's Due

As soon as the mission starts jump over the fence and hide in the corn fields Activate Eagic Vision to spot TWO guard roaming the area Whistle them to you and use stealth kills for 2 out of 3 kills Navigate forward thru the fields and go to the western side towards the first shack There is a stationary soldier here so get near him and whistle hime for a kill (not a stalking zone kill) Move towards the next cornfield area towards the stairs and activate Eagle Vision to locate the captain with the key. Whistle him in for a stalking zone kill (3 out of 3) and then loot the captain for the prison key. After you get the key walk up the nearby steps (WATCH OUT FOR THE GUARD) and hide in the bushes at the back wall. Navigate the bushes towards the next shack (you'll see a hammock next to the shack.) Eliminate the guard that roams the back of the shack and carefully hide in the nearby haystack and kill the guard in front of the sniper tower. The last guard to eliminate is the sniper perched above the tower. (DO NOT LET HIM SPOT YOU BECAUSE SNIPER'S HURT) and then climb the ladder and slice him down with a stealth kill. Since the sniper is out look behind the tower to see several  trees and branches take those branches and navigate towards the next shack rooftop be fast or you will get spotted Quietly jump from the brances towards the prison then open the prison doors to complete the mission

Claiming What's Due part 1
Claiming What's Due part 2

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Men they call the Sage

The Men they call the Sage part 1
The Men they call the Sage part 2

After the cutscene follow Torres any the others as they escort the sage. Be ready to be ambushed by the assassins. I recommend using the pistol to shoot the gunners down And do not spend a lot of time with the assassins. To tackle the Sage from Above needs to jump and tackle the Sage from a rooftop or ledge while the Sage is on the ground Run after the Sage When the Sage is on the ground press the B button from a high position and if done correctly Edward will jump in and tackle the Sage Catch the Sage to Complete the mission

...And My Sugar Sequence 2 mission 2 and

  Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Walkthrough part 3 And My Sugar? part 1  
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Walkthrough part 5 And My Sugar? part 2

When you begin the mission after the cutscene activate eagle vision and pinpoint the two guards. Follow the guards using stealth and hire dancers for 150R tail the guards. after a while you have to eavesdrop the conversation without the guards seeing you after a conversation tail the captain and steal the captain's key sneak to the fort lockup If you decide to pickpocket the captain be aware that the guards will notice you so run away to avoid combat then PAUSE the game and reload the last checkpoint. When the game reloads Edward has the key and you can still do the "stay out of combat objective" the fort is on the northeastern section of the fort so when the coast the clear you can get the stuff that the soliders stole from Stede. exit the fort by jumping to the bay Make your way towards Stede and his shop to complete the mission

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Abstergo Interlude and the first mission in Sequence 2

When you complete the first sequence you will be back in modern day at Abstergo Industries. You will meet Melanie who is your project leader (listen to her) Melanie wants to make sure that they didn't fry your brain so you have to look up then down. After that you will follow Melanie into the lobby where you might recognize a familiar person and receive your PDA. Then go to the elevator and go to the subject 17 floor to meet with with the CCO Olivier Garneau and get started in your own animus. End of the first Abstergo Interlude.

Start of Squence 2
Follow Stede into town and find the local taven, while you walk he will request that you buy a weapon After you buy a weapon Stede will tell you to scout ahead look for the nearest viewpoint Synchronize the area to reveal the location of the tavern. After that a thief will pickpocket stede
do a Leap of Faith into the haystack Then chase the Thief using B to tackle him then kill him. and loot the dead body. After that meet with Stede at the tavern and enter a bar fight Learn how to fight then fight the bad guys

After the fight the soldiers will come and crash the party throw smoke bombs and run till the end of mission 1

Sequence 1 Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Before you play i recommend getting the Logitech Rumble Game pad F510 picture of it is below

As soon as you start the game you will take control of Edward Kenway and a voice yelling at you to get to the wheel and steer the ship away then using the left trigger(hold) to aim and using right trigger to fire the cannons there are going to be 4 schooners and a frigate so be careful.  I recommend you attack the schooners first because they are the easiest to destroy. after that attack the frigate. After the frigate is destroyed a cut-scene occurs. After the cutscene you can EITHER chase the assassin or explore the island first then chase the assassin.  I Recommend you explore first and get what you can then go back to the objective. Keep running forward and when you enter an area that has a viewpoint go up that viewpoint and follow the assassin. he will make an Leap Of Faith and you will also. After the Leap the assassin will shoot you then run away. Chase after him while using the trees to your advantage. You will soon enter into a fight with the assassin kill him with counters and combos.

After the battle leave the area and use TWO Leap of Faiths to the beach below, at the beachside you will see several soldiers harassing a merchant. stay hidden in the brushes using stealth kills on the guards. after the beach is cleared approach the men near the merchant and eliminate them to trigger a cutscene. You will meet Stede Bonnet and he will tell you he needs to go to Havana and wants you to sail his boat but don't leave yet there is treasure for you nearby. Sail to Havana after that done Sequence 1 Complete
Video for this sequence is below